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About Us

At Ezion Fair Christian Community Academy (EFCCA), our primary goal is to build an environment where children can grow socially, emotionally, and academically. We believe each child is unique and able to succeed with consistent support. 


The practices we introduce in our early childhood curriculum are tailored to meet each child's individual learning styles and abilities. This includes areas of creative arts, social-emotional development, communication and literacy, and cognitive development. In order to best support this initiative, our program strives to provide developmentally appropriate activities, staff training, and curriculum development in a safe and secure learning environment. 


Throughout our program, we partner with parents and children to support their child's social-emotional, physical, and academic development. 



  • Milk or Water

  • Whole Wheat Bread or Whole Grain Rice


  • 100 % Fruit Juice or Water

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We update our weekly meal plan every month, including breakfast, lunch, and snacks. 

If your child has any specific food allergies please contact our Culinary Service personnel at 302-652-9114

We are accepting new applications for enrollment. Please call 302-652-9114 to schedule a tour.

Visit Us: 

Contact Us

Ezion Fair Christian Community Academy

1400 B Street Wilmington, DE 19801


Church Building: 302-652-9114

Wholeness Center: 302-510-4548

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